Neurology Department carries out examination and treatment of nervous system physiology and diseases.
Nervous system refers to the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. The neurology department intervenes in advanced diseases that do not require surgery. Neurology is divided into two separate areas, adult and pediatric neurology. In our neurology department, our specialists provide outpatient and inpatient treatment. In addition, they provide intensive care services in the follow-up of diseases.
What diseases does the Istanbul NS Clinic Neurology Department treat?
Istanbul NS Clinic Neurology Department carries out professional examination of cerebrovascular diseases. These include cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral vascular occlusion. We also examine stroke, also known as paralysis. Stroke is a disease caused by a blockage in the blood vessels in the brain. Due to the inability of the brain it nourish itself. It manifests itself in the form of various neurological symptoms. Cell death occurs in the area where the vessel is blocked. This, in turn, causes different complications. Such as wear and tear, speech disorders, weakness, weakness, vision and resistance disorders. Examines are done by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT). They begin the treatment phase by detecting a blocked or injured area.
Pressure-induced cerebral hemorrhage and venous hemorrhage due to obstruction can cause serious complications. As long as it does not require surgery, our neurologists examine and treat these diseases.
Our patients in need of respiratory or cardiac support are placed in the intensive care unit. The intensive care is carried out within the clinic.
What are the departments of the Istanbul NS Clinic Neurology Department?
-Brain – vascular diseases
-Headaches: chronic headaches, migraine pains, tension, cluster pains
-Paralysis, stroke: caused by blisters, vascular anomalies, vascular occlusions and hemorrhages
-Epilepsy: Sarah – small, large seizures, epileptic seizures that are important for surgery
-Forgetfulness, dementia
-Differential sclerosis (MS), inflammatory diseases of the brain
-Muscle diseases: myasthenia gravis, myopathies
-Dizziness, vertigo
-Brain infections, encephalitis

What are the most common neurological diseases?
Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases in neurology. Epilepsy is also known as seizures. Seizures in the arms and legs, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, urinary disorders. These are the symptoms of the disease. EEG treatment is one of the main methods of diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Although the disease has been present since childhood, it is rare during adolescence. In case of seizures, you must consult a neurologist and undergo the necessary tests. It is necessary to undergo MRI and EEG examinations. Treatment of this disorder is carried out with antiepileptic drugs. It is based on the examination of neurologists.
One of the most common complaints caused by different factors is headaches. Tension pains and migraines are the most common of these. Diagnosis is based on the patient’s complaint and the type of headache. Examinations are performed using imaging tools such as MRI or CT.
Dementia is one of the most common neurological diseases in the early years. Depression is one of the main causes of this disease. For many years, dementia has been a common occurrence in our society. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia in the elderly. The first sign of the disease is forgetfulness. It manifests itself with difficulty in daily activities, mental disorders, anorexia.
Movement disorders:
Tremor, parkinson’s, dystonia, dyskinesia, etc. movement disorder refers to the disease. Parkinson’s disease causes tremors in the hands. Involuntary movements, loss of facial expressions, and gait disorders are seen. If you have trembling or burning sensation in the legs and arms at night, be sure to consult a neurologist. Remember that early detection of the disease is a way to get rid of it more easily.
Sleep Disorders:
Stress, abnormal nutrition, stressful lifestyle are the main factors that cause sleep disorders. Snoring and sleep apnea pathologies can reduce your sleep efficiency. This can also cause constant tiredness because you are not getting enough sleep. EEG is used to determine the quality of sleep and timely detection of epilepsy.
We are at your service with the most modern equipment and experienced neurologists. Remember, your health is important to us!
Reviews of the Patients
I had bowel surgery at this clinic last year. I am very pleased with both the doctors and other employees of the clinic. The clinic has a very experienced and friendly staff. Thank you very much Istanbul NS!
The doctors of Istanbul NS Clinic are educated. The devices they use are also modern. I had fixed my teeth at the Istanbul NS Clinic. After a completely painless process, the result I want is already with me. Thanks to everyone.
I had operated on my daughter here. I can say that it is one of the rare clicks that I really liked its neatness. Human care is super. During the waiting period, I sat on the terrace of the clinic, in a cafe with a view of the city. The food was excellent.
Being in the center of the city is so comfort. I have done both nose surgery and hair transplant here. I am very pleased with the service provided to me. I am thinking of having my teeth fixed in this clinic soon.
I came from Iran for a hair transplant. Ten days later I saw an excellent result. I look younger now. Thank to everyone.
Bu klinikada 2 emeliyat eletdirmisem burun rinoplastika ve sac ekimi. Her ikisinden de razi qalmisam. Burun emeliyati umumiyetle mohtesem, bele gozel tebii el isi olar.
Sayılı Seçili Klinikalardan Birisi.
Приятное место. Хороший персонал. Быстро и недорого сделали анализы.
Keçən il bağırsaq əməliyyatım bu klinikada oldu. İstər həkimlərdən, istərsə də klinikadakı digər çalışanlardan xeyli razıyam. Klinikanın çox təcrübəli və mehriban kollektivi var. Çox sağ ol İstanbul NS.
Savadlı həkimləri var. İstifadə etdikləri cihazlar da müasirdir. Mən dişlərimi İstanbul NS klinikasında düzəltdirmişəm. Tam ağrısız keçən prosesdən sonra istədiyim nəticə artıq mənimlədir. Hər kəsə təşəkkür edirəm.
Mən qızımı burada əməliyyat etdirdim. Deyə bilərəm ki, nadir klikalardan biridir ki, səliqəliliyini çox bəyəndim. İnsana qayğıları superdir. Gözləmə müddəti ərzində klinikanın terasında, şəhər mənzərəli kafesində oturdum. Yeməkləri çox əla idi.
Şəhərin mərkəzində olmağı ayrı bir rahatlıqdı. Mən burada həm burun əməliyyatı həm də saç əkimi etdirmişəm. Mənə göstərilən xidmətdən son dərəcə razıyam. Bu yaxınlarda dişlərimi də elə bu klinikada düzəltdirməyi düşünürəm.
Mən saç əkimi üçün İrandan gəldim. On gün sonra əla nəticəni gördüm. İndi daha gənc görsənirəm. Hər kəsə təşəkkür edirəm.