Istanbul NS Clinic Gynecology Department treats gynecological diseases. We have functional, laboratory, extensive diagnostic examination and treatment methods. Our clinic conducts all types of gynecological examinations, gynecological treatments and gynecological operations.
Conservative and surgical treatment of intrauterine partition and ectopic pregnancy is carried out. Polypectomies and hysterectomies, reconstructive tube surgeries are also performed in our clinic. In addition, treatment of condyloma, endometrial biopsy, bartholinitis are carried out. Examinations and treatments are performed by professional gynecologists in Gynecology Department.
Healthy women are the guarantors of healthy generations.
The gynecology department was established to treat diseases of female reproductive organs. Our department serves all women, from menstruating women to older women. It is duty of our gynecologists to find out cause of their gynecological problems . And provide timely treatment. Our gynecologists ensure a healthy lifestyle for mother and baby. The mother and baby are monitored during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
What are the service areas of Istanbul NS Clinic Gynecology Department?
Istanbul NS Clinic Gynecology Department carries out treatment of all gynecological diseases. We diagnose and examine gynecological cancer, monitor menopause, osteoposis, pregnancy.
What general gynecological services are provided in Istanbul NS Clinic Gynecology Department?
We serve women of all ages, from adolescence to menopause. In our department we carry out routine and prophylactic treatment of all problems. Istanbul NS Clinic Gynecology Department reveals the exact cause of your gynecological problems. Groin pain, cancer, menstrual disorders, infections, etc. Diagnosis of diseases is carried out. There are many examination methods in our clinic. Ultrasound, colposcopy, light gynecological examinations, PAP-smear test, etc. examinations are carried out.

What are the methods of pregnancy follow-up by our department?
Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive and important periods in a woman’s life. Our Department is at the service of all our women during pregnancy. Our gynecologists are always serves your complete this period and have a child. From the first pregnancy to the moment of birth, the health of process is monitored by ultrasound. We perform routine tests for diagnosis. Fetal neck thickness measurement, double test, cervical length examinations are performed. When a risky pregnancy is detected, qualified doctors are ready to serve you. You can enjoy the joy of motherhood without any worries.
What are the methods of tracking menopause and osteoporosis in Istanbul NS Clinic?
Menopause is a particularly sensitive period in a woman’s life.
Gynecological services are provided to women for complete these periods. Our doctors work with you in a planned and team way and are with you during your menopause examinations. Therefore, you can prevent osteoporosis caused by menopause and reduce your permanent injuries. Note that osteoporosis is a loss of bone and the rate of injury can be large.
What gynecological oncological examinations are carried out in Istanbul NS Clinic?
Cancer and malignant formations of reproductive system must be detected in time. Remember, early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery.
4D Ultrasonography examination.
Our clinic offers four-dimensional ultrasound color doppler and three-dimensional imaging. Watching children’s live image monitor before birth gives parents excitement. According to expert psychologists, this situation raises the mood of parents. Mothers who see their child during pregnancy also spend rest of period comfortably.
Laparoscopic examination.
Laparoscopy is widely used for timely detection and accurate diagnosis of gynecological problems. By this way, it is possible to detect infertility, uterine adhesions, ectopic pregnancy.
Our clinic is equipped with a camera system and video surveillance. Our patients are released after 2-3 hours, and after 6-8 hours they start receiving food. Given the scars on the body, laparoscopy has many advantages over open surgery.
Hysteroscopy examination
Hysteroscopy has a more subtle chamber system than laparoscopy. By this method miscarriage, uterine bleeding are identified and eliminated.
Reviews of the Patients
I had bowel surgery at this clinic last year. I am very pleased with both the doctors and other employees of the clinic. The clinic has a very experienced and friendly staff. Thank you very much Istanbul NS!
The doctors of Istanbul NS Clinic are educated. The devices they use are also modern. I had fixed my teeth at the Istanbul NS Clinic. After a completely painless process, the result I want is already with me. Thanks to everyone.
I had operated on my daughter here. I can say that it is one of the rare clicks that I really liked its neatness. Human care is super. During the waiting period, I sat on the terrace of the clinic, in a cafe with a view of the city. The food was excellent.
Being in the center of the city is so comfort. I have done both nose surgery and hair transplant here. I am very pleased with the service provided to me. I am thinking of having my teeth fixed in this clinic soon.
I came from Iran for a hair transplant. Ten days later I saw an excellent result. I look younger now. Thank to everyone.
Bu klinikada 2 emeliyat eletdirmisem burun rinoplastika ve sac ekimi. Her ikisinden de razi qalmisam. Burun emeliyati umumiyetle mohtesem, bele gozel tebii el isi olar.
Sayılı Seçili Klinikalardan Birisi.
Приятное место. Хороший персонал. Быстро и недорого сделали анализы.
Keçən il bağırsaq əməliyyatım bu klinikada oldu. İstər həkimlərdən, istərsə də klinikadakı digər çalışanlardan xeyli razıyam. Klinikanın çox təcrübəli və mehriban kollektivi var. Çox sağ ol İstanbul NS.
Savadlı həkimləri var. İstifadə etdikləri cihazlar da müasirdir. Mən dişlərimi İstanbul NS klinikasında düzəltdirmişəm. Tam ağrısız keçən prosesdən sonra istədiyim nəticə artıq mənimlədir. Hər kəsə təşəkkür edirəm.
Mən qızımı burada əməliyyat etdirdim. Deyə bilərəm ki, nadir klikalardan biridir ki, səliqəliliyini çox bəyəndim. İnsana qayğıları superdir. Gözləmə müddəti ərzində klinikanın terasında, şəhər mənzərəli kafesində oturdum. Yeməkləri çox əla idi.
Şəhərin mərkəzində olmağı ayrı bir rahatlıqdı. Mən burada həm burun əməliyyatı həm də saç əkimi etdirmişəm. Mənə göstərilən xidmətdən son dərəcə razıyam. Bu yaxınlarda dişlərimi də elə bu klinikada düzəltdirməyi düşünürəm.
Mən saç əkimi üçün İrandan gəldim. On gün sonra əla nəticəni gördüm. İndi daha gənc görsənirəm. Hər kəsə təşəkkür edirəm.